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TDBGridEh allows to select records, columns and rectangle areas for following operations above the selected area. To customize multiselecting you can use next properties:

dgMultiSelect in Options property - Specifies whether the multiselect is allowed.

dghClearSelection in OptionsEh property - Specifies whether the selection will be cleared after user move to the next cell.

EditActions property - Specifies actions which user can execute above the selection (Copy,Cut,Delete,Paste,SelectAll).

AllowedSelections property - Specifies the types of selections that is allowed to do (Rows, Columns, Rectangle area, All).

Selection property specifies a current multiselection state, selected records, columns or rectangle area and it has properties and functions to access them.

If user change the selected area, the OnSelectionChange event occurs.

To access the selected area, use the following properties of the grid:

SelectedRows: TBookmarkListEh

It contains a list of selected records.

Selection: TDBGridEhSelection It contains information on the selected area and the list of selected items.


Use `Selection.SelectionType` property to determine the type of the selected area. `SelectionType` property is of enumeration type, and can contain one of the following

gstRecordBookmarks – Records are Selected. Use the property SelectedRows or Selection.Rows access to selected records.

gstRectangle – Rectangular area is selected. Use Selection.Rect property to get the border of the selected area.

gstColumns – Columns are selected. Use Selection.Columns property to access the list of selected columns

gstAll – all grid is selected.

gstNon – the grid has no multiple selection.

property Selection.Rows

(as did SelectedRows) has type TBookmarkListEh. Pointers to entries in the list are stored as bookmarks DataSet (type TBookmark) and has the following properties and methods:

Count: Integer The number of entries in the list of bookmarks

Items[Index: Integer]: TUniBookmarkEh The property to access elements of an array of selected bookmarks.

CurrentRowSelected Boolean The property returns and sets, if the current selected entry in the list of selected records.


The `Selection.Rect` property is of `TDBGridEhSelectionRect` type. The property contains the coordinates rectangel selected area. `TDBGridEhSelectionRect` Type gase the following properties and methods:

BottomRow: TUniBookmarkEh Pointer to the lower border area. Index specifies the location as a bookmark for a record in DataSet.

LeftCol: Longint The column number of the left border of the selected area.

TopRow: TUniBookmarkEh A pointer to the upper boundary of the field.

RightCol: Longint Column number right border of the selected area.


function DataCellSelected(DataCol: Longint; DataRow: TUniBookmarkEh): Boolean;

Returns information whether said cell within the selected area.


The Selection.Columns property is of TDBGridEhSelectionCols type. The property contains a list of selected columns. TDBGridEhSelectionCols type have the following properties and methods:

Count: Integer The number of selected columns.

Items[Index: Integer]: TColumnsEh The property sets the access to the elements of the selected columns.

Last update:
Contributors: dmitrybv