The technology for storing settings - SettingsKeeper

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The technology for storing settings - SettingsKeeper

In EhLib version 9.2, in addition to the SaveGridLayout, SaveColumnsLayout methods, a new storage technology was added, called SettingsKeeper.

The SettingsKeeper offers the following option for storing and restoring settings.

There is a special class TSettingsKeeperEh in the library. This class is an hierarchical array of settings. Each element of the array consists of a key and a value. You can treat this as the setup ID and the setting value. The configuration ID must be unique. The value of an element can be a string, a number or a nested array TSettingsKeeperEh. Those you can create a hierarchical tree-like array of settings.

After you write all the form settings to the TSettingsKeeperEh array, you must save it in the readable form in a file or other source of data storage.

To store the contents of an array in a textual, compact and easily readable format, the text format JSON is convenient.

The library contains functions for converting the contents of an array into a JSON text string

function SettingsKeeperToJSONString(Keeper: TSettingsKeeperEh): String;

and back

procedure JSONStringToSettingsKeeper(Keeper: TSettingsKeeperEh; JSon: String);

It is suggested to use a new way of storing application settings in the Ini file or other settings stores.

The TDBGridEh and TDBVertGridEh components have methods for saving the settings to the TSettingsKeeperEh array

procedure WriteSettings(Keeper: TSettingsKeeperEh); overload; virtual;

and to read the settings from the array

procedure ReadSettings(Keeper: TSettingsKeeperEh); overload; virtual;

The TSettingsKeeperEh class and SettingsKeeper settings storage technology is available only for Delphi XE6 or higher.

The script for using SettingsKeeper technology

The sequence of actions when using SettingsKeeper can be the following:

Record settings when closing or destroying Forms.

  1. Create a TSettingsKeeperEh class and call a method to write values When you destroy a TMyForm form in a method
destructor Destroy;

create the array TSettingsKeeperEh and fill it with the settings data

SetKeeper := TSettingsKeeperEh.Create;
  1. Writing Values 2.1 If this is a simple text value, then use the
Add(const Key: String; const Value: String);

to add a setting to an array. Example:

SettingsKeeper1.Add('Caption', Form1.Caption);

2.2 If this is a simple numerical value, then use the method

Add(const Key: String; const Value: Integer);


  SettingsKeeper1.Add('Left', Form1.Left);

2.3 If you want to write a nested array, then create an instance of the TSettingsKeeperEh class, add a simple value or other nested arrays to it and add the array to the main array of settings using the method

procedure Add(const Key: String; const Value: TSettingsKeeperEh);


procedure TBaseForm.WriteSettings(Keeper: TSettingsKeeperEh);
  BoundSettings: TSettingsKeeperEh;
  BoundSettings := TSettingsKeeperEh.Create;
  BoundSettings.Add('Left', Left);
  BoundSettings.Add('Top', Top);
  BoundSettings.Add('Width', Width);
  BoundSettings.Add('Height', Height);

  Keeper.Add('Bounds', BoundSettings);
  1. Convert to JSON string Translate the array into a JSON string using the method

function SettingsKeeperToJSONString(Keeper: TSettingsKeeperEh): String;

  1. Writing to the repository Write a line in the Ini file or another source of storage settings.

Reading the saved data for the Form

  1. Create a TSettingsKeeperEh class and call a method to read values When creating a TMyForm form in a method
procedure DoCreate;

consider the JSON line from the Ini file (or another source of storage settings)

FormSettingsStr: String;
  1. Reading each value Based on the JSON line, create an array of SettingsKeeper
  SetKeeper := TSettingsKeeperEh.Create;
  JSONStringToSettingsKeeper(SetKeeper, FormSettingsStr);
  1. Reading each value Read the values of the desired items from SettingsKeeper:

3.1 Reading Text Values If this is a simple text value, then use the TryGetStringValue

  if SettingsKeeper1.TryGetStringValue('Caption', Value) then
    Form.Caption := Value

3.2 Reading Numeric Values If this is a simple numeric value, then use the TryGetIntegerValue

  if SettingsKeeper1.TryGetIntegerValue('Left', IntValue) then
    Form.Left := IntValue;

3.3 Reading Nested Arrays If it's a nested array of values, then use the TryGetSubsettingsValue method to read a nested array:

  if Keeper.TryGetSubsettingsValue('Bounds', BoundsSets) then

then read the elements of the nested array:

procedure TBaseForm.ReadBoundsSettings(BoundsSets: TSettingsKeeperEh);
  IntValue: Integer;
  if BoundsSets.TryGetIntegerValue('Left', IntValue) then
    Self.Left := IntValue;
  if BoundsSets.TryGetIntegerValue('Top', IntValue) then
    Self.Top := IntValue;
  if BoundsSets.TryGetIntegerValue('Width', IntValue) then
    Self.Width := IntValue;
  if BoundsSets.TryGetIntegerValue('Height', IntValue) then
    Self.Height := IntValue;

Description of the JSonSettingsKeeper demo project

The JSonSettingsKeeper.dpr project proposes an option for using this technology in the finished project. The project is in the folder <EhLib Archive>\Demos\JSonSettingsKeeper

For the convenience of using the technology, it is proposed in the project to create a basic Form that can store its position and size, and has virtual methods for adding additional settings to the inherited Forms.

In this example:


The basic Form TBaseForm for all other forms that can store its position and size. It contains the following methods:

   procedure ReadSettings(Keeper: TSettingsKeeper); virtual;

Saving settings in the settings array Keeps the position and size of the form

   procedure WriteSettings(Keeper: TSettingsKeeper); virtual;

Restore settings from the array settings Restores the position and size of the form

   function GetSettingID: String; virtual;

Get a unique form ID. Default class name.

   procedure TBaseForm.DoCreate;

Reads the settings from the file "ProgramName" .Ini

destructor TBaseForm.Destroy;

Writes the form settings to an Ini file


The main form of the project is inherited from TBaseForm. Other forms open from it. Overrides the ReadSettings WriteSettings method to save a list of open forms when the main form is closed. When you start the application, all the opening of the form is restored. The remaining forms of the project are inherited from TBaseForm.


The unit contains DBGridEh, DBVertGridEh and Splitter on the form. The settings of the control data are supposed to be saved in SettingsKeeper.

Overrides method WriteSettings which:

  • Calls the base method for writing / reading the position of the form window.
  • Writes DBGridEh1 grid settings to an array of settings with the DBGridEh1 key. For recording, use the grid method TDBGridEh.WriteSettings
  GridSettings := TSettingsKeeperEh.Create;
  Keeper.Add('DBGridEh1', GridSettings);

The TDBGridEh.WriteSettings method writes parameters such as Height of a line (if it is allowed to change the height of the line in the grid), SearchPanel search parameters (if the SearchPanel is active) and columns settings such as width, position, visibility, sort marker, height and width of the drop-down list if the text editor contains a drop-down list, the position of the cell in the RowPanel if the RowPanel mode is active.

  • Records the settings of the vertical grid DBVertGridEh1 in the array of settings with the DBVertGridEh1 key For writing, the grid method is TDBVertGridEh.WriteSettings
  GridSettings := TSettingsKeeperEh.Create;
  Keeper.Add('DBVertGridEh1', GridSettings);
  • Records the location of the vertical splitter
  Keeper.Add('SplitterPosition', DBVertGridEh1.Width);

Similarly, the ReadSettings method is overridden in the next modules.



Configuration Storage File JSonSettingsKeeper.Ini

As a result, after closing the program, the following values are written to the JSonSettingsKeeper.Ini file




Last update:
Contributors: dmitrybv