Export library components to Pdf file

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Export library components to Pdf file

The EhLib library has classes and methods for exporting the TDBGridEh, TDBVertGridEh, TPivotGridEh and TPlannerControlEh components to a PDF (Portable Document Format) file.

To export data to pdf, the same classes are used that are used to print components.

For TDBGridEh, this is the TPrintDBGridEh class. For TDBVertGridEh, this is the TDBVertGridPrintServiceEh class. For TPivotGridEh, this is the TPivotGridPrintServiceEh class. For TPLannerEh, this is the TPlannerControlPrintServiceEh class.

Below is a description of the methods for exporting components to pdf.

procedure TPrintDBGridEh.PrintToPdfFile(AFileName: String);

The TPrintDBGridEh class method is used to export data from to pdf format. The data generation algorithm is similar to the algorithm for printing the TDBGridEh component using the TPrintDBGridEh component. In the AFileName parameter, you must pass the full path and name of the pdf file to be generated.

procedure TBasePrintServiceComponentEh.PrintToPdfFile(AFileName: String);

The TBasePrintServiceComponentEh class method is used to export data from to pdf format. The data generation algorithm is similar to the algorithm for printing the TDBVertGridEh, TPivotGridEh and TPLannerEh component components using classes derived from TBasePrintServiceComponentEh. In the AFileName parameter, you must pass the full path and name of the pdf file to be generated.

Below is an example of the code with which the components are exported to a pdf file.

procedure TForm1.actExportToPdfExecute(Sender: TObject);
  AFilename: String;
  Path: String;
  FullFileName1: String;
  FullFileName2: String;
  GetDir(0, Path);
  if ActiveControl is TCustomDBGridEh then
    AFilename := 'DBGridEhAsPdf.pdf';
    FullFileName1 := Path + '\' + AFilename;
    PrintDBGridEh1.DBGridEh := TDBGridEh(ActiveControl);
  end else if ActiveControl is TCustomDBVertGridEh then
    AFilename := 'DBVertGridEhAsPdf.pdf';
    FullFileName1 := Path + '\' + AFilename;
  end else if ActiveControl is TCustomPlannerViewEh then
    AFilename := 'PlannerViewAsPdf.pdf';
    FullFileName1 := Path + '\' + AFilename;
  end else if ActiveControl is TPivotGridEh then
    AFilename := 'PivotGridEhAsPdf.pdf';
    FullFileName1 := Path + '\' + AFilename;
  FullFileName2 := Path + '\' + AFilename + '.Txt';
  CopyFile(PChar(FullFileName1), PChar(FullFileName2), false);
  // ...and start a viewer.
  ShellExecute(Handle, nil, PChar(FullFileName1), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

Export to pdf is supported in all versions of Delphi under VCL and in Lazarus under Windows.

An example of using the functionality of uploading data to pdf can be found in the Demo project DEMOS\MainDemo\.

There is a button Export to pdf in the Demo project.

Export to pdf
Export to pdf
Last update:
Contributors: dmitrybv