Generating Pdf Files Using the Printer Class

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Generating Pdf Files Using the Printer Class

The library has a global method PdfPrintersEh.PdfPrinter for accessing a class of TPdfPrinterEh type with which you can generate Pdf files similar to how printed documents are generated using the global Printers.Printer method.

Below is an example of using PdfPrinter to generate a pdf file with one page and plain text.

//Generate graphic data as a pdf file.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  AFilename: String;
  Path: String;
  FullFileName: String;
  //Generating a path to a file.
  //The file will be created in the current directory.  
  GetDir(0, Path);
  AFilename := 'PdfDataFile.pdf';
  FullFileName := Path + '\' + AFilename;
  //Let's start creating a new document.
  //The generated data will be saved in a file at the address
  //specified in the FullFileName variable.
  //Open the created file for viewing.
  ShellExecute(Handle, nil, PChar(FullFileName), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
//Generate graphic data and show result using PrinterPreview Form.
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
//Generate graphics data using the TBaseVirtualPrinter class
//as the graphics command generation provider.
procedure TForm1.PrintData1To(VirtualPrinter: TBaseVirtualPrinter);
  ARect: TRect;
  AText: String;
  Ppx, Ppy: Integer;
  //Get the number of pixels per inch to form data in 1 by 1-inch squares.
  Ppx := VirtualPrinter.Canvas.PixelsPerInchX;
  Ppy := VirtualPrinter.Canvas.PixelsPerInchY;
  VirtualPrinter.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
  ARect := Rect(Ppx, Ppy, Ppx + Ppx, Ppy + Ppy);
  //1x1 inch Square.
  VirtualPrinter.Canvas.Pen.Width := Ppx div 50;
  AText := 'Hello World!';
  VirtualPrinter.Canvas.Font.Size := 14;
  VirtualPrinter.Canvas.TextRect(ARect, AText, []);
  //Wrapped Text
  ARect.Offset(Ppx * 2, 0);
  AText := 'PdfPrinter Demo. This is word wrap text.';
  VirtualPrinter.Canvas.TextRect(ARect, AText, [tfWordBreak]);

When Button1 is clicked, the Button1Click event handler is called. In the handler:

  • Create path to pdf file
  • The method for starting the formation of a pdf document is called.
  • The PrintData1To method is called, to which a virtual printer of the PdfPrinter type is passed.

The Button2 button has a Button2Click event handler in which the graphic data stream is redirected to the Print Data Preview Form. The PrintData1To method directly generates graphic data. The method code draws two squares with text. In the second square, text with word wrapping is displayed. Below you can see the result of both events.

For an example of generating Pdf files using the TPdfPrinterEh method, see the library archive in the Demo project: <EhLib Archive>\Demos\PdfPrinter\Project1.dpr

In the current implementation, the TPdfPrinterEh class has a number of limitations and features:

  • Canvas.Handle property is not supported in TPdfPrinterEh. This means that you will not be able to use methods such as GetDeviceCaps that need to pass the Handle of the graphics device.

  • To print formatted Rtf text, use the DrawRtfText and MeasureRtfTextLayout methods of the TVirtualPrinter.Canvas class. The TPdfPrinterEh class does not support formatting individual sections within a paragraph.

  • For information about dots per inch, use the TVirtualPrinter.Canvas.PixelsPerInchX and TVirtualPrinter.Canvas.PixelsPerInchY properties.

  • To set the clipping area, use the TVirtualPrinter.Canvas.AppendClipRect and RestoreClip methods. Methods must work in pairs.

Last update:
Contributors: dmitrybv