List of components and classes

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List of library components and classes

Data Grids

  TDBGridEh control

The main and most sophisticated component of the library. It provides all functionality of TDBGrid and adds several new features as follows:

  TDBVertGridEh control

TDBVertGridEh сomponent is a Vertical Grid.

The component is used to display and edit a single record DataSet in a vertical orientation. The data is displayed in two columns. The first column displays the names of the fields in the second field values of the current record.

Edit controls

  TDBLookupComboboxEh control

TDBLookupComboBox represents a combo box that identifies a set of field values in one dataset with a corresponding set of values from another dataset.

  TDBEditEh control

represents a single or multi-line edit control that can display and edit data of field in a dataset or can work as non data-aware edit control.

  TDBDateTimeEditEh control

represents a single-line date or time edit control that can display and edit data of TDateTime fields in dataset or can work as a non data-aware edit control.

  TDBComboBoxEh control

represents a single or multi-line edit control that combines an edit box with a scrollable list and can display and edit a field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware combo edit control.

  TDBNumberEditEh control

Represents a single-line number edit control that can display and edit a numeric field in a dataset or can work as non data-aware edit control.

  TDBMemoEh control

The component is designed for editing multi-line text data. The component can operate in Data-Aware mode (connected to DataSet), and can work as non data-aware edit control.

  TDBImageEh control

The component is designed for editing a graphic data. The component can operate in Data-Aware mode (connected to DataSet), and can work as non data-aware edit control.

  TDBRadioGroupEh control

The component is a set of selection flags (radiobuttons). The component can operate in Data-Aware mode (connected to DataSet), and can work as non data-aware edit control.

  TDBRichEditEh control

The component is designed for editing multi-line text data with the ability to format it as RichText. The component can operate in Data-Aware mode (connected to DataSet), and can work as non data-aware edit control.

Printing, Preview, Export to Pdf

  TPrintDBGridEh component

TPrintDBGridEh provides properties and routines for preview, print of TDBGridEh component. It also allows to export TDBGridEh to pdf file.

  [TPreviewBox component]

TPreviewBox lets you to create a customizable runtime preview.

  [TPrinterPreview class]

TPrinterPreview lets you to record printable data in buffer for following output them on screen and to printer. TPrinterPreview have all functions and properties as in TPrinter object. You can use TPrinterPreview object similarly to TPrinter except some details. In TPrinter Printer.Canvas.Handle and Printer.Handle is the same but in TPrinterPreview PrinterPreview.Canvas.Handle represents the metafile in that is recored the data and PrinterPreview.Handle represents Printer.Handle. It means that you have to use PrinterPreview.Canvas.Handle for drawing operation (like DrawText, DrawTexteEx, e.t.c.) and use PrinterPreview.Handle for such functions as returning information about printer facilities (GetDeviceCaps, e.t.c.). Global function PrinterPreview returns default PrinterPreview object and shows data in the default preview form.

  TPdfPrinterEh class

The library has a global method - PdfPrintersEh.PdfPrinter for accessing a class of TPdfPrinterEh type with which you can generate Pdf files similar to how printed documents are generated using the global method - Printers.Printer.

  [TVirtualPrinter class]

The library has a global method - PrntsEh.VirtualPrinter of TVirtualPrinter type. PrntsEh.VirtualPrinter function allows to print graphic data on a printer. The function works similarly to the Vcl.Printers.Printer function from the VCL library and has additional features such as redirecting the print stream to a preview window (TPreviewBox) or to a Pdf file.


  TMemTableEh component

It is a dataset that holds all data in memory. It can work as a standalone DataSet or receive data from other DataSets via the TDataDriverEh component.

Data provider components for TMemTableEh

  TDataDriverEh component

Deliver records from the server or other DataSet to the TMemTableEh. Deliver changed records from TMemTableEh back to the server.

  [TDataSetDriverEh component]

It is a DataDriver that deliver records in TMemTableEh from other DataSet and deliver changed records from TMemTableEh back to the DataSet.

  TSQLDataDriverEh component

It is a DataDriver that have properties for keeping five SQL expressions and parameters for querying data, removing, insertions, updating and refreshing records. TSQLDataDriverEh by itself can’t request data from server, but it can prepare parameters of the request and have a global event that programmer can write for transferring SQL expression to/from the server.

  TBDEDataDriverEh component

It is a DataDriver that interacts with the DB server using BDE connection.

  TIBXDataDriverEh component

It is a DataDriver that interacts with the DB server using IBX connection.

  TDBXDataDriverEh component

It is a DataDriver that interacts with the DB server using DBX connection.

  TADODataDriverEh component

It is a DataDriver that interacts with the DB server using ADO connection.

  TADOConnectionProviderEh component

Provides the interface between the component TADODataDriver and TADOConnection in Design-Time and Run-Time. Contains inbuilt TADOConnection component. Specifies the type of server data for the correct operation of additional server operations, such as getting the value of the incremental table fields after inserting record, etc.

  TDBXConnectionProviderEh component

Provides the interface between TDBXDataDriver and TSQLConnection in Design-Time and Run-Time. Contains embedded TSQLConnection component. Specifies the type of server data for the correct operation of additional server operations, such as getting the value of the incremental table fields after inserting record, etc.

  TIBXConnectionProviderEh component

Provides the interface between the component TIBXDataDriver and TIBDatabase in Design-Time and Run-Time. Contains built TIBDatabase component. TBDEConnectionProviderEh component Provides the interface between the component TBDEDataDriver and TDatabase in Design-Time and Run-Time. Contains inbuilt TDatabase component. Specifies the type of server data for the correct operation of additional server operations, such as getting the value of the incremental table fields after inserting record, etc.

Components for consolidated data analysis

  TPivotDataSourceEh component

Downloads and store pivot data.

  TPivotGridEh control

Component-control to display pivot data.

  TPivotGridToolBoxEh control

Component-control for configuration data structure and sections stored in the PivotDataSource component.

Components for planning and visual interactive event management


The component is used to store event objects such as TPlannerDataItemEh.


The visual component-container TPlannerControlEh contains a set of visual components PlannerView.


The visual component-calendar is designed to navigate through the days of the month.

Components for exporting/importing data to/from DataSet from/to a text file.

  TDataSetTextExporterEh component

Component for uploading data from a DataSet to a text file for later downloading from it.

  TDataSetTextImporterEh component

Component for downloading data from Text file to DataSet it.

Other components and classes

The technology allows you to create a customizable drop-down windows that appears when user click on the button (EditButton) in TDBEditEh, TDBNumberEditEh, TInplaceEditor in DBGridEh etc. components.

  TDBSumList component

TDBSumList is intended for calculating sums and amount of records in a TDataSet with dynamic changes. Component keeps a list of TDBSum objects, which contains types of group operations (Sum, Avg, Count, Min, Max) and name of fields which values need some calculation.

  TXlsMemFileEh class

Allows you to create Xlsx files without the participation of installed MSOffice modules.

Last update:
Contributors: dmitrybv