Extra horizontal scroll bar slider (ScrollBar)

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Extra horizontal scroll bar slider (ScrollBar)

DBGridEh allows displaying additional information in the horizontal scrolling section. In this case, the left side of the SrollBar is moved to the right so as to display information.

Area of additional information may include the following: • The number of entries in the DataSet and the number of selected records in a grid. • Navigation buttons on records (DBNavigator). • Search bar and filtering (SearchPanel). • Summary information about the selected data (MultiSelected area). Data section will be visible when the user selects a region in the grid, square area or column. In this case, in the summary information is displayed: The amount of data, number of selected rows, average, minimum and maximum value

Use the sub-property DBGridEh.HorzScrollBar.ExtraPanel management options to display extra panel:

Visible: Boolean Set the Visible property to True to display additional panel horizontal ScrollBar

NavigatorButtons: TNavButtonSetEh Use the NavigatorButtons property to determine which navigation buttons will be visible in the database navigator.

TNavigateBtnEh = (nbFirstEh, nbPriorEh, nbNextEh, nbLastEh, nbInsertEh, nbDeleteEh, nbEditEh, nbPostEh, nbCancelEh, nbRefreshEh);TNavButtonSetEh = set of TNavigateBtnEh;

VisibleItems: TGridSBItemsEh Use VisibleItems property to determine which items will be visible in the panel.

TGridSBItemEh = (gsbiRecordsInfoEh, gsbiNavigator, gsbiFindEditorEh, gsbiSelAggregationInfoEh);TGridSBItemsEh = set of TGridSBItemEh;

Displaying the search for extra-panel runner is configured through the properties of the search bar Grid.SearchPanel. Clicking on the navigation button event fires NavigatorPanelButtonClick event. The event is passed the type of button – AButton: TNavigateBtnEh. In the event handler, you can set the Processed parameter to True to avoid calling of the default handler.
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Contributors: dmitrybv