Panel of detail information for record – RowDetailPanel

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Panel of detail information for record – RowDetailPanel

Subproperties of RowDetailPanel property allow you to create and customize the panel of detailed information for grid rows. Panel if detailed information is a special area inside grid where you can put any control from Component Palette on it. At design-time a panel is always opened under the current record. At run-time panel is hidden, and there is a + sign at the beginning part of every row. You can click + sign to open panel. At once time panel can be opened only for one row. You can also open panel using key combination Ctrl-Down or key +. Use Ctrl-Up to return from panel to grid row. Use * key to show or hide panel depending on current state.

Subproperties of RowDatailPanel propery:

Active: Boolean this propery allows activating panel of detailed information.

Width: Integer width of panel

Height: Integer height of panel

ActiveControl: TWinControl use this property to define control which will be focused when panel is opening.

BevelEdges: TBevelEdges
BevelInner: TBevelCut
BevelOuter: TBevelCut
BevelKind: TBevelKind
BevelWidth: TBevelWidth
BorderStyle: TBorderStyle:

Use these properties to control border style of panel.

Color: TColor Color of panel

ParentColor: Boolean Property defines if it is need to use color of grid as a color of panel.

Public properties:

Visible: Boolean This property defines if panel is visible. You can set this property at run-time for reading and writing.

Use event OnCheckRowHaveDetailPanel to control of panel showing in grid. You can set parameter RowHaveDetailPanel to allow or forbid panel for required record.

Use events OnRowDetailPanelHide and OnRowDetailPanelShow to execute special action after panel is hidden or before panel is opened.

Last update:
Contributors: dmitrybv