Moving and resizing columns in the grid

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Moving and resizing columns in the grid

Use the TColumnEh.Width property to set the width of the column. You can use a TColumnEh.MaxWidth and TColumnEh.MinWidth property to limit the maximum and minimum width of the column. Usually it is necessary when the user is allowed to change the column width with the mouse. To allow the change column widths in Run-Time, set in a property of dghColumnResize TDBGridEh.OptionsEh. The same value is present in the properties dgColumnResize TDBGridEh.Options. If dgColumnResize value is set, then it is allowed to change as the width of the columns and column moving. This property is deprecated. The dghColumnResize value in TDBGridEh.OptionsEh property only affects changing the width.

After changing the width of the column After changing the width of the column is called the DBGridEh.OnColWidthsChanged event is called.

In the grid it is possible to adjust the width of the columns so that they occupy the entire width of the visible area of the grid, and did not extend beyond the visible area. Set TDBGridEh.AutoFitColWidths to True to automatically change the column width so that the width will be equal to the entire grid visible part of the window. Additional property TDBGridEh.MinAutoFitWidth specifies the minimum width of the grid at which the change in width. Use TColumnEh.AutoFitColWidth property of the grid columns at to further determine whether the column is used for fitting the width of all columns to the width of the visible area.

To allow the mouse to move the columns in the Run-Time, set in the property dghColumnMove TDBGridEh.OptionsEh. After the column is moved the TDBGridEh.OnColumnMoved event occurs.

Use the following methods to control the width of columns:

procedure OptimizeColsWidth(
  ColumnsList: TColumnsEhList; 
  const CheckRowCount : Integer = -1; 
  const MaxWaitingTime: Integer = 0);

Optimizes the column width so that the entire text of the column could be seen inside the cell. ColumnsList parameter specifies the list of columns for which it is necessary to perform optimization. CheckRowCount parameter specifies the number of records that need to get around to perform optimization. This parameter is set to limit the time of the method. MaxWaitingTime parameter specifies the maximum period of the method. Inside a method grid runs through all the records DataSet. If the option is MaxWaitingTime method adjourned once it reaches the specified value.

procedure OptimizeAllColsWidth(
  const CheckRowCount : Integer = -1; 
  const MaxWaitingTime: Integer = 0);
The method works similarly to the previous method, but perform optimization for all the columns in the grid.
Last update:
Contributors: dmitrybv