The drop-down calendar with date and time enter pages

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The drop-down calendar with date and time enter pages

In the library there is an control to display a drop-down calendar that can work in special modes:

  • Input the date and time simultaneously,
  • Input only the date
  • Input only the time

The drop-down calendar starts work automatically in DBDateTimeEditEh component and in a text editor of and DBGridEh and DBVertGridEh components for TDateTimeField field.

The drop-down calendar automatically hides the unused part of the date and time windows, depending on the EditFormat property (or DisplayFormat for TColumnEh in the DBGridEh and TFieldRow in the DBVertGridEh).

For example: For EditFormat = 'HH:NN' drop-down calendar is as follows and will allow only enter hours and minutes.

With global properties of library, you can configure the following capabilities a calendar.

  • Highlight Weekend.

Property - ToolCtrlsEh.EhLibManager.DateTimeCalendarPickerHighlightHolidays: Boolean

  • Highlight holidays.

For highlighting holidays and transfer of working days, use TWorkingTimeCalendarEh class.

Inherit TWorkingTimeCalendarEh class and override a method -

function IsWorkday(ADate: TDateTime): Boolean;

The method should return True if the ADate parameter is working days. In the code of your program register your new object once for a working calendar using global procedure – RegisterGlobalWorkingTimeCalendar like this:


This method registers a class that controls weekends and holidays that affect the highlight of days in the calendar and the TPlannerCalendarPickerEh component.

The method returns old object that controlled working days. Usually the old object is destroyed immediately.

  • To customize the color display holidays and weekends use next global object and property.
property PlannerCalendarPickerDrawStyleEh.HolidayBaseFontColor: TColor
  • Do not show the timing tab in all drop-down calendars of the program.
property ToolCtrlsEh.EhLibManager.DateTimeCalendarPickerShowTimeSelectionPage: Boolean

Use global DateTimeCalendarPickerShowTimeSelectionPage property to enable or disable display of timing tab in the all drop-down calendars of the program.

By default DateTimeCalendarPickerShowTimeSelectionPage = true.

  • DropDown calendar also support Delphi VCL styles.

Here is a screenshot from PlannerEh.MainDemo project that shows what properties you can use to customize DropDown calendar.

See the next Demo project to see how to work with DropDown Calendars:

<EhLib Archive>\Demos\CalendarPickerEh

unit Frame3_Options

unit Unit_ToolsDataModule


<EhLib Archive>\Demos\PlannerEh.MainDemo\

unit FrameOptions

unit Unit_ToolsDataModule

Last update:
Contributors: dmitrybv